As of today, Pañalón, S.A., has formalized the acquisition of the Transportation Business Unit of Cotrato S.L.
Cotrato is a historic company in the Sector that has been operating since 1965, that is, 60 years traveling the roads and providing recurring service to its clients. It is located in Tomelloso, where it will maintain its offices and facilities.
With this first corporate operation of the new year, Pañalón takes a step forward in its niche sector growth and consolidation strategy, maintaining the objective of continuing to be a main player in the sectors where we operate, in a commitment to progressive and orderly professionalization, in order to gain strength, capacity and flexibility, to be able to offer a greater and better service to the market.
Safety, sustainability, responsibility, integrity and ethical principles will continue to be pillars for the development of our activity. We continue working day by day for the road transport sector, stable employment, our Community, Region and Country.